Supervisor Nursing Resume Sample

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Micaela Daniel
528 Smith Trace,  Boston,  MA
+1 (555) 502 1741

Work Experience

Supervisor Nursing
07/2015 - PRESENT
Detroit, MI
  • Consistently exhibits behavior and communication skills that demonstrate HealthCare Partners’ (HCP) commitment to superior customer service, including quality, care and concern with each and every internal and external customer
  • Uses, protects, and discloses HCP patients’ protected health information (PHI) only in accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards
  • Closely monitors patient safety at all times; i.e. does not leave patient on an exam table unattended and participates in DMG fall prevention program
  • Complies with DMG sharps safety program at all times, i.e. only using devices with safety features and employing safe work practices
  • Ensures monthly expiration logs for medications and sample medications (refrigerated and non-refrigerated) are maintained
  • Ensures yearly expiration logs for Preventative Maintenance (PM) are performed as needed
  • Ensures EKG reconciliation is performed and confirmed EKG’s are seen by clinician before patient is discharged
  • Ensures referral tickler file / log are maintained
Supervisor, Nursing
01/2012 - 02/2015
Los Angeles, CA
  • Ensures immunization records and updating EHR (including California Immunization Registry (CAIR)) are performed
  • Participates in all Nursing Leadership regional meetings and Nurse Peer Review as needed
  • Functions as a resource and serves as a liaison between administration, clinicians, teammates and other departments
  • Conducts monthly teammate meetings to evaluate departmental needs and to communicate operational updates
  • Verifies that the informed consents for procedures have been signed, dated and witnessed
  • Assists with Quality Metrics, Comprehensive Health Assessment Programs (CHAPS) formally HCC research, telephone call procedures, and patient follow up procedures
  • Prepares labels, collects and transports various specimens to appropriate destinations
Supervisor Nursing Skilled Nights CHI Health St Francis
07/2006 - 09/2011
Boston, MA
  • Maintains clinical standards outlined in the clinical operations policies and procedures manual and identifies deficiencies and recommends changes
  • Coordinates with clinicians and ancillary departments to plan daily work assignments according to teammates abilities, clinician and patient schedules, patient flow and procedures
  • Ensures adequate levels of supplies are ordered and maintained in the department
  • Performs comprehensive patient assessment and triaging
  • Adheres to standard precautions at all times
  • Uses, protects, and discloses DMG’s patients’ protected health information (PHI) only in accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards
  • Anticipates the needs of the Primary Care Physician (PCP) and carries out orders
  • Checks Electronic Health Records (EHR) for patients' arrival status and escorts patients from waiting area to exam rooms
  • Assists clinician and teammates in responding to patient emergency situations as per Emergency Response Protocols


University of Phoenix - Idaho Campus
2001 - 2006
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing

Professional Skills

  • Participates in facilitation of annual skills validation for Medical Assistants take place during evening hours and or
  • Nursing process, analysis of data, problem solving, effective communication, time management and inter-personal skills
  • RN experience including 2 years in appropriate area of nursing
  • Five (5) years of nursing experience
  • RN experience in appropriate area of nursing
  • Relevant experience
  • Directs others in accordance with established standards during emergencies (e.g., tornadoes, Code Blue). Checks to ensure others are providing needed services

How to write Supervisor Nursing Resume

Supervisor Nursing role is responsible for medical, validation, facilitation, training, recruiting, analysis, insurance, nursing, assistants, customer.
To write great resume for supervisor nursing job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Supervisor Nursing Resume

The section contact information is important in your supervisor nursing resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Supervisor Nursing Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your supervisor nursing resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to.
This section, however, is not just a list of your previous supervisor nursing responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular supervisor nursing position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Supervisor Nursing resume experience can include:

  • Prior experience at staff position desired
  • Identifies ineffective, inefficient or costly processes and takes action to improve those processes
  • ESM (Effective Supervisory Management Class) within six months
  • CCRN certification prior to hire to Lead RN position
  • Experience with personnel management, CQI, state and federal regulations and JCAHO standards
  • Valid Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification required

Education on a Supervisor Nursing Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your supervisor nursing resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your supervisor nursing experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Supervisor Nursing Resume

When listing skills on your supervisor nursing resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical supervisor nursing skills:

  • Looking for individuals who are good team players, work well with others, and likes variety
  • Maintains a good working relationship with correctional personnel, nursing staff, contract providers, and outside provider agencies
  • Experience in nursing with a focus in gerontology
  • Assisting management in recruiting, orienting, supervising and evaluating the performance of nursing and clerical staff
  • Utilizes powerful questioning, engages in active listening, facilitates learning and designs with supervises ways to recognize and achieve goal completion
  • Participates in coaching and counseling, Progressive Disciplinary action process with Nurse Manager/Director and staff

List of Typical Experience For a Supervisor Nursing Resume


Experience For Clinical Supervisor, Nursing Resume

  • Actively pursues evidence-based practice strategies
  • Responsible for staff scheduling and supervision including
  • Utilizes established corporate and correctional policies and procedures in making decisions
  • Maintains yearly expiration logs for Preventative Maintenance (PM) and as needed
  • Performs EKG reconciliation and ensures confirmed EKG’s are seen by clinician
  • Enters "No shows" into IDX, and performs "No Show" follow up process
  • Ensures the Bump lists are worked
  • Completes department compliance measures on a daily basis (department specific) as needed

Experience For Supervisor, Nursing Resume

  • Authorized to make entries in the medical record, consistent with and limited to the scope of the job
  • Clinical supervision of direct reports
  • Establishes trust and intimacy with direct reports
  • The Lead RN actively facilities understanding of individual and unit needs and promotes consistent leadership between TCs and provides Director with real time assessments of individual, group and unit needs actively contributing to unit morale
  • The Lead RN inspires others in professional goal attainment and is rigorous in support of Shared governance

Experience For AHD Supervisor, Nursing Resume

  • The Lead RN supports and encourages professional staff involvement and champion roles
  • The Lead RN encourages staff to obtain certifications
  • Certification in area of specialty required. Completion of specialty
  • Rounds on the clinical units to assess and address patient care unit level of acuity, staff, physician concerns and patient and family issues. Responds to patient complaints by documenting intervention and outcomes. Utilizes internal department structure for follow-up with patient complaint
  • Responds to all patient care emergencies. Utilizes patient care emergency response as an opportunity to educate staff on emergency response standards
  • Maintains a responsible attitude toward appropriate and efficient management within the department.
  • Directs the work of other nursing and clerical staff. This includes the selection, hiring, evaluating job performance, employee training/development, promoting and any disciplinary action, including termination

Experience For Supervisor Nursing Skilled Nights CHI Health St Francis Resume

  • Ensures adequate coverage on all shifts
  • Monitors call-ins and use of overtime
  • Monitors staff compliance with facility policies and unit directives by counseling employees who violate policies established by the company or the facility, after consultation with management
  • Ensures the proper flow of relevant information (policies, procedures, in-service, problems, etc.) to supervisor and supervised personnel
  • Monitors and ensures strict staff compliance with all applicable pharmacy laws
  • Organizes monthly in-service education. Ensures that staff receives in-service as required
  • Reports any staff problems to management on a regular basis

Experience For Rn-house Supervisor Nursing Administration Nights CHI Health St Francis Resume

  • Ensures adequate supplies and pharmaceuticals to meet the needs of the detainee/inmate population. Reports any over-usage, vendor problems, needs, recommendations and budgetary concerns to management
  • Ensures that all detainees/inmates assigned to work as medical orderlies are trained in the handling of contaminated waste and proper cleaning of contaminated surfaces. Monitors their compliance with instructions
  • Performs random audits of medical records, logs, sharps, narcotic counts, outside referrals and sick call, etc. Counsel employees or provide in-service for noted errors. All findings shall be submitted to the management for review and recommendations
  • Participates in quality assurance activities. Makes recommendations for monitoring needs and plans activities for correcting deficiencies. Reports problem areas in writing to management
  • Monitors the assignments, review of records, and care plans of the chronic disease clinics ensuring follow through per policies and procedures
  • Attend Management and Leadership seminar on yearly basis and/or attend Leadership training offered through St. E’s

Experience For Administrative Supervisor Nursing Admin CHS Kings Mountain Resume

  • BCLS/ACLS/NRP/Advanced Fetal Monitoring
  • Reviews activities of infection control nurse and makes recommendations for containment of infections
  • Assists management in monitoring environmental sanitation, safety and health related issues by performing inspections. Generates recommendations based on inspections and review of other inspections to management for further management dissemination
  • Responds to informal grievances from inmates to management’s designee. Reports any grievance with potential liability to the management for his/her information and consideration of action
  • Monitors care of serious medical conditions with the potential for life threatening or liability issues for appropriate follow-through
  • Assumes on-call status for staff problems. Assumes on-call status in absence of direct management

Experience For Clinical Supervisor Nursing Resume

  • Develops and maintains effective relationships and promotes communications with Residents, visitors, coworkers, physicians and other internal departments. Maintains confidentiality and privileged communications
  • Evaluates overall unit performance through direct observation, chart reviews and the quality management process. Effects changes as needed. Holds staff to standards of nursing practice
  • Prepares reports, complies statistics and keeps records, etc., as required
  • Serves as a clinical resource person. Participates in actual patient care when situations require it
  • Oversees the distribution of patient referrals
  • Performs regular case reviews with staff

Experience For House Supervisor Nursing Administration Mercy Resume

  • Acts as a role model for new staff and facilitates staff development
  • Gather, analyze and facilitate services or resolution to meet the needs of our customers
  • Deal with difficult and/or sensitive issues or customers, handle emergencies expediently to maintain safety of environment or customer
  • A licensed Registered Nurse in the State of Nebraska
  • PCCN certification within six months

Experience For House Supervisor Nursing Admin Resume

  • Maintains shift assignments
  • Promotes Promise behaviors
  • I.V. therapy certification
  • V. therapy certification

List of Typical Skills For a Supervisor Nursing Resume


Skills For Clinical Supervisor, Nursing Resume

  • Two years’ experience and clinical knowledge in the same or similar clinical specialty
  • One year Charge nurse or equivalent experience required
  • One year experience in an area of specialty
  • Identifies, analyzes, and assists in resolving work-related problems of nursing staff
  • Assists in providing staff meetings with Nurse Manager and facilitates during meetings as appropriate
  • Assists Nurse Manager/Director with recruiting and interviewing potential staff
  • Contributes to creating and maintaining a collaborative work environment
  • Completes daily assignments addressing patient acuity levels, staffing standards and scope, function and competence level of staff members
  • Contributes to employee development plan identifying and addressing areas of needed growth

Skills For Supervisor, Nursing Resume

  • Fills in as needed during periods of short staffing
  • Ensures that detainees/inmates arriving at the facility are adequately oriented to services available and procedure for obtaining medical services
  • Assists with orienting all new Nursing staff to their role within the organization
  • Facilitates patient nurse assignments and provides coordination of patient care on nursing unit
  • Serves as a role model/mentor for Registered Nurses in the areas of professional development, professional practice, and continuing education

Skills For AHD Supervisor, Nursing Resume

  • Coordinates the scheduling of staff for unit or designated shift
  • Participates in monitoring the budget as directed by Nurse Manager/Director
  • Assists Nurse Manager with creating Employee Development Plan
  • Integrates team building strategies and principles of group process in interactions with staff
  • Recognizes staff for and encourages them to seek professional development opportunities as needed including CAP and Certification
  • Expands knowledge by attending seminars/conferences to develop professional growth
  • PCCN certification (within six months of accepting Lead position)
  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) reqired

Skills For Supervisor Nursing Skilled Nights CHI Health St Francis Resume

  • Arranges for staff participation in off-facility workshops for CEUs and current nursing practice
  • Maintains current licensure on all staff requiring such licensure
  • Organizes daily activities and ensures adequate staffing for these activities
  • Initiates interdisciplinary, Resident-centered conferences for improving the delivery of care
  • Supervises and evaluates staff Nurses through problem solving case conference and review, home visits and direct observation
  • Performs timely competency assessment/performance appraisals according to institutional schedules and policies
  • Directs and monitors appropriateness of scheduling and assignments

Skills For Rn-house Supervisor Nursing Administration Nights CHI Health St Francis Resume

  • Confers with and advises professional staff regarding patient problems or difficulties
  • Arranges multi-disciplinary case conference with Director and/or management staff when patient problem is exceptional and joint problem solving is indicated
  • Serves as a participating member of the agency's professional committees
  • The Lead RN understands conflict as naturally occurring and actively works with others to facilitate positive resolution real-time without triangulation
  • Evaluates multiple sources of information that assist their direct report in gaining awareness of need for change
  • Acts as a liaison for nursing peer review and yearly peer evaluations follow up
  • Facilitate a mentoring relationship for their direct reports

Skills For Administrative Supervisor Nursing Admin CHS Kings Mountain Resume

  • Prepare, supervisor and control budget, monitor and analyze variances
  • 1) The House Supervisor is accountable for appropriate staffing and productivity of the nursing staff including overtime. The HS is responsible for the accuracy to the Care Value System record of the
  • Regularly visits nursing units to oversee nursing care, ascertain condition of patients, and to assure patient needs are met. Initiates and/or participates in studies to ensure that quality patient care services are being provided consistently
  • Advises and assists nurses in administering unfamiliar or unusual therapies. Gives advice for treatments, medications, etc. in accordance with medical staff and nursing and hospital policies and procedures
  • Utilizes the Care Value System to evaluate staffing needs for current and on-coming shift and reassigns personnel to nursing units in accordance with patient acuity on each unit. Utilizes the TeamStepps tools to facilitate excellent communication
  • Assigns rooms according to patient care needs for new admissions and transfers patients between units when necessary
  • Obtains necessary supplies and equipment for staff to perform their work in the absence of other departmental personnel, i.e., supplies/equipment from S.P.D., Laundry, or Dietary following each department's policies
  • Prepares or delegates the preparation and compilation of data, records and reports which reflect shift operations (e.g. administrative supervisor’s report, daily editing of the Car Value System, NORS information, etc)
  • Maintains knowledge of current trends and developments in the field by reading appropriate books, journals and other literature and attending related seminars, conferences and the like

Skills For Clinical Supervisor Nursing Resume

  • 2) Promotes continuity of care across the continuum of care as a proactive planner anticipating change and assuring quality care
  • Management of the Environment
  • Demonstrates working knowledge of the principles and fundamentals relating to admissions, discharges and the transfer process, including payor and authorization regulatory requirements.
  • Oversees and directs the operations of assigned department(s) to ensure appropriate use of resources, efficiency of workforce, and overall maintenance of department(s)
  • Participates in and encourages process improvement to positively impact both clinical and business Key Results Areas
  • Executes administrative accountabilities in support of manager/director and department, including serving as the Advocate Operating System (AOS) project lead at assigned site(s)
  • Provides training and development to associates, and is committed to personal growth and self-development

Skills For House Supervisor Nursing Administration Mercy Resume

  • Current Basic Life Support for Providers, by American Heart Association (AHA) - (100% online certification is not acceptable)
  • Assist with audits, time and attendance, coachings, attend some meetings, evaluations
  • Provides continuous constructive feedback and annual performance evaluations to staff
  • Seeks opportunities for self-development in leadership
  • Manages bed control for unit in collaboration with Administrative Supervisor
  • Participates in evaluations and completes them in a timely manner
  • Complies with hospital policies and the Nurse Practice Act
  • BSN or actively enrolled in a BSN program with completion within 6 years of start with OSF

Skills For House Supervisor Nursing Admin Resume

  • Basic Life Support for Providers (AHA) -100% online certification is not acceptable
  • Specialty certifications in OR, OB, GI, ER, CEN or CCRN as needed
  • Lawson Performance Management for Health-Care
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification ( ACLS ) within 6 months of hire
  • Participates in activities of professional associations
  • Assists with orientation of new associates as requested

Skills For House Supervisor Nursing Administration Nights CHI Health Midlands Resume

  • Participates in projects in order to enhance efficiency, systems, education patient care or personal growth
  • Assumes a leadership role in ensuring work practices that are consistent with the CHI Health Safe Patient Handling and Movement Policy, for promoting evidence based practices for ensuring employee and patient safety
  • Provides direct supervision of personnel practicing in Nursing service areas, makes patient care assignments, evaluates assignments, facilitates patient throughput, and directly observes staff performance
  • Proactively matches existing resources seeking ways to provide patient care that supports staff and maintains a therapeutic environment, collaborative, team environment
  • Communicates personnel related concerns to Nurse Manager
  • BLS or BLS instructor certification is required upon hire. Acceptable credentialing bodies and certifications include the following: American Red Cross: CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, and American Heart Association: Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers
  • ACLS or ACLS instructor certification is required upon hire. Acceptable credentialing bodies and certifications include the following: American Heart Association: Advanced Cardiac Life Support, American College of Surgeons: ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) and American College of Emergency Physician: ACLS
  • Accountability on a 24 hour basis for routine operations and problem-solving of the assigned Urgent Care Center.

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