Game Designer Resume Sample

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Billy Klein
48807 Charlotte Roads,  Philadelphia,  PA
+1 (555) 357 9101

Work Experience

Senior Game Designer
12/2017 - PRESENT
Chicago, IL
  • Strong interest in game development and a curiosity for the games industry as a whole
  • Documented experience of game design for games on console and PC
  • Understanding of node based tools/engines and/or programming/scripting
  • Make quick, effective prototypes of interesting and novel gameplay mechanics as part of cutting-edge children’s app project
  • Deep knowledge of C++ language
  • Widely played, especially with online games, with the ability to articulate what is strong / weak about the design of existing games. Deep knowledge of League of Legends valued but not required
  • Professional game development experience OR significant amateur game development experience (detail on your resume and include a link to comprehensive information on your project)
Game Designer
11/2015 - 11/2017
Detroit, MI
  • Experience with game engines such as Unreal and Unity
  • Mentor and lead the designer’s team and act as a source of game design knowledge for the company
  • Strong understanding of all aspect of game design and development
  • Professional design experience on multiple shipped mobile, commercial titles
  • Proven ability to design systems that leverage unusual limitations into innovative experiences
  • Experience with metrics-based design
  • Experience developing in a fast-passed, highly iterative and agile professional environment
Junior Game Designer
09/2008 - 08/2015
Los Angeles, CA
  • Make quick, effective protototypes of interesting and novel gameplay mechanics as part of cutting-edge children’s app project
  • Develops, prototypes, and scripts interesting and novel gameplay mechanics as part of cutting-edge, children’s app project
  • Works closely with the writers, designers, and animators, and engineers to create gameplay mechanics that scale well across ages and difficulty levels
  • Helping to lead our efforts to develop VR’s potential through the creation of novel interactive experiences
  • Game design experience
  • Experience collaborating closely with art, design, and engineering teams
  • Experience shipping multiple high profile, high scrutiny games


Full Sail University
2002 - 2007
Engineer's Degree in Game Design

Professional Skills

  • Excellent communication, presentation, and negotiation skills, both verbal and written, in addition to strong time-management and organizational skills
  • Strong design skills and experience in Free 2 Play, Mobile and Online games
  • Demonstrate proven design sense and leadership skills
  • Strong leadership skills and ability to take charge with strong personal initiative
  • Strong scripting skills (LUA or other scripting languages)
  • Logical thinking with strong math and spreadsheet skills
  • Work well in groups, including strong interpersonal skills

How to write Game Designer Resume

Game Designer role is responsible for design, creative, interpersonal, analytical, leadership, documentation, collaboration, scripting, games, proactive.
To write great resume for game designer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Game Designer Resume

The section contact information is important in your game designer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Game Designer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your game designer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to.
This section, however, is not just a list of your previous game designer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular game designer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Game Designer resume experience can include:

  • Strong organizational skills: ability to keep track of minute details as well as the big picture while multitasking
  • Strong modeling skills and a master of Excel
  • Strong protototyping or ideation skills
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively document original ideas and concepts
  • Good analytical skills, and takes initiative
  • Proven ability to collaborate and communicate effectively at the team, studio and organization levels

Education on a Game Designer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your game designer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your game designer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Game Designer Resume

When listing skills on your game designer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical game designer skills:

  • Task driven, good time management and problem-solving skills, as well as strong analysis and communication
  • Good communication and presentation skills and a good team player
  • Strong Problem solving skills and the ability to determine opportunities between products and technology
  • Demonstrates outstanding data analysis and presentation skills
  • Excellent communication and critical thinking skills; ability to identify and solve key problems creatively with minimal guidance
  • Strong creative identity, imagination and holistic game design skills

List of Typical Experience For a Game Designer Resume


Experience For Senior Game Designer Resume

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to sell your ideas to the team and gracefully accept feedback
  • Strong computer skills and ability to prototype concepts
  • Strong creative skills and ability to analyze with critical judgment gameplay systems
  • Strong motivation and interpersonal skills
  • Strong communication skills (English, written and spoken)

Experience For Lead Game Designer Resume

  • Very good communication skills in written & spoken English
  • Has strong math skills and proficiency in Excel
  • Has good communication skills, verbal and written
  • Outstanding game logic, balance and problem-solving skills
  • Outstanding game design documentation and presentation skills
  • Skillful experience with C, C++ or non-visual scripting languages; willing and able to pass studio scripting test
  • Very good understanding of User experience (Accessibility, Learnability & UI Design)
  • Exceptional interpersonal and verbal and written communications skills
  • Have a consistent record of fantastic cross-group skills

Experience For Junior Game Designer Resume

  • Personal game realizations strongly appreciated as well as experience on mobile games, online titles and F2P market
  • Strong knowledge and experience with online/multi-player/social games or free to play
  • Communicate clearly and work effectively with others
  • Effectively communicate and collaborate with key stakeholders to confirm task direction and consistency of work, including Directors and Leads
  • Manage change effectively, ensuring that all members of the project team are kept aware of game design changes when they occur

Experience For Associate Game Designer Resume

  • Prior experience as a Game Producer or Game Designer of video slot titles. All Game Designers have a working knowledge of MS Office and Visio
  • Management experience, preferably with an experienced design team
  • Prior experience with Lumberyard or other game engines, such as Cryengine, Unity, or Unreal
  • Possesses great documentation skills
  • Prioritizing and self-managing to meet deadlines with your team; actively voice your ideas and options to the team
  • Balancing and adjusting game-play experiences to ensure critical and commercial success
  • Experience balancing and testing tuning of free-to-play, level design and systems
  • Experience designing and balancing one or more data heavy systems

Experience For Game Designer Alexa Resume

  • Experience scripting complicated level scenarios & combat encounters considering checkpoints and game saves
  • Experience with creating and fine tuning NPC behaviors and actions
  • Collaborate with the team across disciplines, including engineering, design, art, and BI to develop world-class gameplay experiences
  • Proven success in creating compelling gameplay mechanics, combat systems, activities, and encounters
  • Hands-on level design/scripting/greyboxing experience
  • Experience in collaborating closely with art, design, and engineering teams
  • Collaborate with multiple disciplines, including design, art and programming, to create solid feature designs and prototypes

Experience For Economic Game Designer Resume

  • Experience working in a team and collaborating with engineers, artists, and other designers
  • Experience designing combat and/or system mechanics including player control, moves, and NPC/AI types and behaviors
  • Experience playing and DMing D&D 5th edition required
  • Design feature focusing on user experience, engagement and monetization
  • Strong understanding of game design techniques and theory
  • Proven ability to conceptualize, create and implement game concepts using various tools and technology
  • Previous experience in designing games

Experience For Senior Game Designer, Monetization Resume

  • Experience writing product specifications
  • Experience designing In-game social features
  • Experience in mobile game design, including at least 1 year on a game in live ops
  • Experience creating in-game content designed to appeal to a specific audience
  • Experience writing clear and concise specs, user flows, and feature documentation

Experience For Game Designer Intern Resume

  • Experience designing player characters, enemies, abilities, weapons, or power-ups
  • Experience owning technical game system design and implementation on at least 2 shipped game titles
  • Strong knowledge of standard game design practices and tools including databases
  • Game design experience shipping social and/or mobile games
  • Solid understanding of strategy game mechanics and content best practices for core and mid-core game design
  • Experience in working in a team in a fast-paced, iterative and agile professional environment
  • Work experience designing mobile games, and shipped at least one mobile casual game in a Senior Designer or higher position
  • Experience in mobile game design, including at least 1 year on a game in live ops

Experience For Principal Software / Game Designer Resume

  • Set requirements and create specifications for ARM features; drive and operate the resulting initiatives
  • Understand the player and voice the player’s emotional experience with the game, thinking through game design player first
  • Experience creating in-game content designed to appeal to a casual audience
  • Experience writing clear and concise game design documentation, specs, user flows, and feature documentation
  • Experience in mobile game design, including at least 1 year on a game in live ops
  • Experience using Excel for analysis and data creation
  • Good working knowledge of Maya, 3DS Max or similar 3D package

Experience For Mobile Game Designer Resume

  • Experience with creating mobile game in Unity engine
  • Previous experience delegating design related tasks
  • Use and understand existing game systems to propose benchmarks for game experiences
  • Efficient at prioritizing to meet deadlines
  • Gain insight from play testing (both internally and with kids) and quickly develop hypotheses to improve and clarify players’ experience
  • Experience prototyping games or significant new systems for sequel development

List of Typical Skills For a Game Designer Resume


Skills For Senior Game Designer Resume

  • Excellent written communication skills (English)
  • An excellent communicator who can effectively distill large amounts of user feedback into actionable tasks?
  • Excellent analytical, organizational and creative skills
  • Excellent teamwork skills; ability to identify and solve key problems creatively with minimal guidance
  • Strong verbal communication skills and comfort with collaboration
  • Good interpersonal, verbal communication and documentation skills

Skills For Lead Game Designer Resume

  • Scripting or other forms of independent prototyping skills
  • Have some (basic) skills in other disciplines such as drawing, coding, fiddle playing, etc
  • Knowledge and prior experience with a C style programming or scripting language
  • The ability to find dependencies in math structures using basic logic and problem solving skills
  • Proven experience owning a core gameplay mechanic and iterating through to shippable quality
  • Excellent storytelling instincts and experience telling stories interactively with gameplay (as opposed to passively, with cut-scenes or other interruptions)
  • Experience designing play experience for a wide age range of customers/players

Skills For Junior Game Designer Resume

  • Experience creating two-/multi-player play experience
  • Is able to communicate effectively with engineering, art, production and business personnel
  • Solid experience with monetization, game balancing, social features, reward structure, viral aspects
  • Solid experience working in game design or a related field
  • Proven experience in systems design (for example economy, progression and balancing)
  • : Prior experience as a Game Producer or Game Designer of video slot titles. All Game Designers have a working knowledge of MS Office
  • A designer with experience architecting fun, accessible, and deep games and play experiences for a variety of different types of gamers?
  • Great implementation and scripting skills
  • Experience as a Game Designer, with relevant experience working on AAA titles

Skills For Associate Game Designer Resume

  • Experience as a Game Designer, with relevant experience working on AAA titles, current and next-gen consoles
  • Analytical and detailed oriented problem solving skills
  • Experience as a Senior Game Designer, with relevant experience working on AAA titles
  • Strong sense of what makes a fun and compelling experience for games
  • Work experience designing F2P/Mobile games, with at least one shipped title as Senior or Lead; 5+ years of game industry experience
  • Help to maintain both the gameplay mechanics and content cadence of a live game, while effectively communicating the goals of both

Skills For Game Designer Alexa Resume

  • Is able to communicate effectively with
  • Fluency in best practices for game design, user-centered design process, as well as strong knowledge of game experience principles and techniques
  • Meticulous documentation skills and a love of spreadsheets
  • Dedicated communication and solving problems skills
  • Strong attention to detail and understands the importance of balance and strong system design
  • A great communicator who can effectively give and receive critical feedback?
  • Experience in video game industry, in a position of Game Designer or equivalent, with good knowledge of video games

Skills For Economic Game Designer Resume

  • Great people skills where collaboration is the center of your creative world
  • Game design experience, preferably F2P and/or mobile experience
  • Effectively communicate design goals to other disciplines and collaborate on documentation
  • Programming/scripting experience (C++, C#, Lua, Python, XML)
  • Prioritizing and self-managing to meet deadlines with your team

Skills For Senior Game Designer, Monetization Resume

  • Understanding of game balance, including statistics, virtual goods, economics and user motivations
  • Working experience as Game Balance specialist or Economy Designer
  • Combining previous mechanics and individual cards in novel ways to provide innovative and fun game-play experiences
  • Experience designing, implementing and managing non-player character AI systems and state machines
  • Experience in iterative design processes and working with data (what works, what doesn’t, finding what’s relevant and reacting to feedback)
  • Passion for crafting amazing gaming experiences for the mobile platform!
  • Experience Creating and Casting these Spells

Skills For Game Designer Intern Resume

  • Experience refining someone else’s game design, writing, or both into publishable form required
  • Experience using software/scripting (spreadsheets, GREP, and the like) to aid analysis and text modification required
  • Experience working on Game Design projects in a team setting
  • Experience of working on projects aiming for Chinese market
  • Experience with gaming design using Unreal, Unity, CryTek, or similar 3D engines
  • Experience with portfolio or demo reels, demonstrating gaming development
  • Experience with game documentation including creation of visuals using tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Visio, Excel, Wiki, etc…
  • Experience in any scripting / programming language
  • Experience building and delivering games for mobile, console or other new platforms such as VR and AR

Skills For Principal Software / Game Designer Resume

  • Experience planning and transitioning a team from development to live services
  • Extensive experience playing or competing in Heroes of the Storm
  • Experience with other aspects of Game Development such as, but not limited to: Character Design, Writing, Gameplay Programming and AI Design
  • Experience in game programming or scripting for games
  • Experience working closely with animators and editing animation graphs
  • Experience balancing and pacing games
  • Has a long-standing passion for playing games of multiple genres and a solid background in slots and casino games
  • Strong competence in analyzing data and drawing actionable insights

Skills For Mobile Game Designer Resume

  • Play testing: Analyze data and player feedback to continually optimize existing game experience
  • Create a fun, engaging and outstanding player experience
  • Experienced in designing and developing game mechanics and systems
  • A passion for creating or playing games and experience with social games are preferable
  • Experience with F2P design, including crafting
  • Experience in designing systems or narrative for open-world, RPG, or branching-story structure games
  • Solid understanding of basic economy balance and tuning
  • We are looking for a passionate game designer with a strong background in Systems Design and number balancing to work on a strategy mobile game
  • Good understanding of 3Cs, Usability and UI design best practices

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Game Designer Resume


Responsibilities For Senior Game Designer Resume

  • Experience designing mobile games as a Senior Designer
  • Experience designing F2P casual puzzle games
  • Experience working with 3rd party development teams
  • Experience in Balancing & KPI analysis
  • College diploma in game or level design and production or equivalent training or experience
  • Working experience in Game Design on a released title
  • Past internship/ work experience in Game Design, ideally working with consoles (PC/ PS4/ XBOX/ Nintendo Switch)
  • Profound PC and console gaming experience
  • Excellent understanding of gameplay fundamentals

Responsibilities For Lead Game Designer Resume

  • An understanding of simple, effective UI design for a casual user base
  • Experience with game scripting languages such as Lua
  • Several years of working experience as Game Designer in the Games Industry
  • Experience in team leading positions is an advantage
  • Experience designing systems for open world online games
  • Relevant experience working on AAA titles, on PC and consoles
  • Successful titles demonstrating excellent design talent
  • Experience with Python, LUA, or other scripting languages
  • Experience using UE3 and/or Unity

Responsibilities For Junior Game Designer Resume

  • Experience working in an Agile environment with Scrum and/or Kanban
  • Experience designing mobile games as a Senior or Lead Designer
  • Experience designing F2P games
  • Experience designing simple to understand yet still deep game systems
  • Experience designing fun cards for a CCG or CCG-like game
  • Experience designing for both a casual and competitive audience

Responsibilities For Associate Game Designer Resume

  • Experience shipping a top ranked “Free to play” mobile game title
  • Experience creating successful Live Ops- or Events-style features for games
  • Experience working with big brands
  • An experience of Monetization, game balancing, social features, reward structure, viral aspects
  • An experience of Programming
  • Experience with solving Game Design problems and challenges. Ideally someone who has worked on game design implementations from concept to delivery
  • Experience playing through many dungeon and raid encounters in World of Warcraft, and other games
  • An experience of Monetisation, game balancing, social features, reward structure, viral aspects
  • Have experience in economy design and balancing

Responsibilities For Game Designer Alexa Resume

  • Experience with scripting languages (e.g. Lua, Python, TypeScript)
  • Use game data to tune and tweak game parameters in an iterative way in the engine or with prototyping tools to validate game mechanics and systems
  • Experience using Word, Excel, and text styles required
  • Demonstrates outstanding data analysis and
  • Experience designing Characters or RPG systems on at least one shipped title, preferably in a mobile games environment
  • Experience leading a game team, preferably across multiple sites
  • Strong knowledge of a wide range of games across multiple platforms and an understanding of the core design concepts which underpin them
  • Excellent working knowledge of current theories of gameplay and their practical applications

Responsibilities For Economic Game Designer Resume

  • Strong understanding of 3Cs, usability and UI design best practices
  • Experience of designing systems to meet Chinese market
  • Relevant experience of working on PC or Consoles titles released in China
  • Strong numerical and gameplay balancing abilities
  • Experience working on free-to-play games
  • Experience working with AI/NPCs is desired but not required
  • Experience in designing for Console and PC Games
  • Experience in designing features for competitive Games

Responsibilities For Senior Game Designer, Monetization Resume

  • Relevant experience working on AAA titles, current and next-gen consoles Client focus (internal and external)
  • Strong methodology and problem-solving ability, with focus on creative and fun gameplay
  • Experience having worked with AI/NPC design
  • Collaborate with the different leads and with the game team to develop strong gameplay mechanics, following the game’s creative vision
  • Proven ability to document and communicate design ideas
  • Excellent grasp of content development tools and pipelines
  • Game design experience within the social/mobile space with shipped titles

Responsibilities For Game Designer Intern Resume

  • Solid knowledge of game industry, trends, competition, platforms and market
  • Retain original IP’s core brand values and game experience within the service at all times
  • Industry experience specifically in game design
  • Excellent video game culture and knowledge of F2P games
  • Work closely with the game and UI designers to create and validate the designs for the game’s mechanics, systems, content, UI, economies and more
  • Game design experience, knowledge in mobile and social game design
  • Design and create game systems and game mechanics that follow the game’s creative direction with regard to the targeted experience for the player
  • Experience as Game Designer, in the field of video games
  • Able to develop and champion a strong design vision for a game system from concept to completion

Responsibilities For Principal Software / Game Designer Resume

  • Product, toy, game development experience - 2+ years
  • Excellent knowledge of World of Warcraft's history and characters
  • Experience with similar design responsibilities, on a large-scale console game project (the bigger the better)
  • Strong proficiency with tools to convey and track progress of design vision
  • Strong ability to document features
  • Solid balance between “the big picture” and day to day

Responsibilities For Mobile Game Designer Resume

  • Strong empathy and knowledge of a female audience
  • Strong knowledge of free-to-play games in general, and the brain puzzle genre specifically
  • Excellent knowledge of the Co-op Missions mode, and the mechanics of its many commanders
  • Extensive experience with the StarCraft 2 ladder
  • Experience with the StarCraft 2 Galaxy Editor or other game editors

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